Journey Groups

This is a group for those looking to find out more about who we are and what being a Lutheran is all about.


Our Welcome Brunch and Journey Groups are a process of formal welcome and formation into congregational life and a deeper relationship with Christ. This process honors each person’s story and questions as we take this journey together in and through the Risen Christ.


The process begins in the fall of the year with a Welcome Brunch gathering after the 10:30 a.m. service. We share a light lunch and what has brought us to UDLC. It is a chance to meet others who are new to UDLC as well as current members, and to find out how to become part of this community of faith. Childcare is provided.


The Journey Groups help us live into these promises. In the group gatherings we read and reflect on the Sunday scripture readings, pray together, and grow in our relationship with Christ and each other. They serve as preparation for affiliation with UDLC through baptism or its affirmation. See calendar for dates.


This process is in two parts: Fall and Spring. In the fall there are typically four Journey Group meetings spread over October and November. There is a winter hiatus. The groups resume during Lent and meet each of the first five Sundays in Lent.


People who have participated in the Journey Groups are formally received into the membership of UDLC by baptism or affirmation on the Sunday after Easter. There is also a social gathering at the parsonage in the fall and spring.

It’s our hope this process gives our new members a chance to build new relationships and a framework for growing as followers of Christ in today’s world.